Feng Zhengjie 俸正杰 – Chinese Portrait P Series 2006 No. 02


The Chinese artist Feng Zhengjie was born in 1969 
in Sichuan. He is one of the greatest representatives 
of the “School of Kitsch” and focuses his original style
 on the way the current generation deals with his country’s habits and customs.
Women’s faces, often depicted close up, are the essential subject of his work. Indeed, he lays emphasis on portraiture, a relatively new tradition in Chinese art which until recently had favored landscape painting. The women from the “Recounting of Skin” series could almost be compared to restless harpies. Surrounded
by a glowing electrical aura, with their eyes rolling upwards, they appear threatening and haughty.
 The artist’s palette is made up of only three colors, 
pink, green, and white, which he fades into different shades and uses in each of his portraits.


Feng Zhengjie – Chinese Portrait P Series 2006 No. 02

Oil on Canvas

300 x 400 cm